Please abide by reddit's site-wide rules on self-promotion. Any further videos should be packaged into a self post, accompanied by a submission statement that facilitates discussion.

Users are permitted to post one emulator demonstration video per day as a link post.Comments stepping significantly over the line will be removed- use some common sense. Simple tech support or general queries not fulfilling that requirement belong in the Weekly Question Thread and will be redirected there. Self posts should provide scope for wider, interesting discussion.Use Google and check The Emulation General Wiki before posting.Don't ask for or link directly to pirated software or copyrighted material without permission of the copyright holder. We are very excited to have the opportunity to bring this great franchise back to life and to be able to share these great titles with today’s gaming audience.To get started check out our wiki page or The Emulation General Wiki. To that point, no game had ever offered the combination of graphics and an open world environment that Turok featured.

Stephen Kick, CEO and Founder of Night Dive Studios, explains, “When Turok: Dinosaur Hunter was first released it was nothing short of revolutionary.

The games will be made available for sale exclusively through Steam, the Humble Bundle store, GOG (Good Old Games), GamersGate, Greenman Gaming, and via the Night Dive Studios website. Originally developed for PC in 1997 and Nintendo 64 in 1999, both titles will be re-mastered for today’s modern computers with enhanced graphics and other improvements. By SAVING CONTENT ( Dive Studios, a company specializing in the restoration of classic PC game titles, is pleased to announce that it will restore and publish modernized versions of two classic game titles: Turok: Dinosaur Hunter and Turok 2: Seeds of Evil.